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Tuesday 8 October 2013

Construction Of Successful Positive Daily Affirmations

By Andrew I. Moore

Daily affirmations are statements that state a positive outlook in life. These statements enhance self-esteem and mindset when they are uttered and remembered every day. There are a lot of individuals who have negative thoughts entering their minds which give negative energy in their lives. To counteract such bad vibes, it is best to think of positive thoughts and exhibit a good attitude. This will help get rid of negativity.

The first part of successful positive daily affirmations is to complete know and understand who the statement is about. In the example, the statement is about "I". This is very straightforward, yet important. All of your statements should be about yourself. Using "I" is obviously the easiest way to accomplish this, however you can use your own name if it helps you. Instead of "I", you could substitute your name. It isn't important what you call yourself as long as you know that the positive daily affirmations are set to affect you and no one else.

There are also ways for you to subtly plant your daily affirmations such that you will automatically read to yourself while going through your everyday routine. You can easily stick affirmation cards which you have pre-written yourself on places like the bathroom mirror, the car's dashboard, your desk in the office, the refrigerator's door, the computer desktop, the phone's screensaver and other places that you will look at everyday.When writing or practicing daily affirmations, use words that are positive such as bright, capable, creative, strong, intelligent, beautiful, smart, giving, quick, peaceful, loving, successful and enjoyable. Combine these words into phrases that you can relate and understand easily. Examples of daily affirmations are such as, 'Have fun, be a WINNER' or 'Take the LEAD, be in CONTROL'.

You might want to extend these phrases into affirmation statements that you can repeat to yourself at ease and sounds believable. To make this daily affirmation process grow, write out thirty different statements for each day of the month. Affirmations are based on the reasoning that we create our own conditions and experienced through our feelings and thoughts.

You can write positive thoughts and say them aloud. This will remind you about them and will keep you in a good mood always. Make sure that you concentrate on the present. Instead of saying you will have a fulfilling life, tell yourself you are already living a fulfilling life. You can write down these thoughts in post-its and place them on the refrigerator, mirror or in your room where you could see them. You can also be more creative by recording yourself as you utter these positive thoughts so that you will remember them and feel good as you listen to them. A favorite daily affirmation of mine comes from Charles Haanel's book The Master Key System which reads as follows: I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.I believe it is really important to have daily affirmations written down. On preferably on 3 X 5" index cards. To help keep them neat looking. Place them somewhere, where it reminds you to read them out loud. With lots of enthusiasm!

Positive daily affirmations have been a popular subject with people lately. You can find places all over the internet that will give you good examples of these affirmations. However, it can be a bit more difficult finding information on exactly what positive daily affirmations actually are. It is time to establish what affirmations are, as well as what they are used for.

I always receive more than I desire.Keep using gratitude in your life and know you will always receive more than necessary to live your best life now! The more readily you are able to see all the good things coming to you, and most importantly to be grateful for it, the more likely good things will continue to come your way. Abundance is prevalent everywhere in each of our lives, the challenge comes in seeing it for what it truly is.I have all the money I currently need.This one is especially critical for me, and may be for you to. Focus on all the things you can afford with the money you have in your bank account. It doesn't matter if you have $100.00 or $100,000.00 in the account. What matters is realizing what you can afford with those dollars and how significant it is. In today's world $100.00 will buy you conveniences only available to the ultra wealthy only a few decades ago.

Positive daily affirmations are the optimists' ultimate tool. In the example, you are letting your mind know that no matter what happens during the day, it is still a good day. What this means is that your mind will show you that even if bad things happen, there are still good things to counter it. Take for example getting splashed by a puddle on your way to work. Normally this would really be a bad thing, since now your clothes are wet, perhaps even muddy. However, since you programmed your mind to view the day as being good, your mind will then remind you, subconsciously of course, that you are still awake, ready to go to work, and now have a funny story to tell your co-workers today. That is the power of positive daily affirmations.

Some years ago, a real amazing guy spoke to I, and others. He said, that in his opinion, that a person can get whatever they really wanted, if they use this daily affirmation, and really believe it as they said it every day. That affirmations is "Today Is The Greatest Day Of My Life!" Why don't you write at least that daily affirmation down and put it where you will see it daily, and read it out loud, and really believe it? I encourage you to use daily affirmations. Let the law of attraction work for you.

Remember, it is believed that the more positive, enthusiastic the emotions are when the affirmations are repeated out loud, the quicker it goes to the subconscious mind.I believe the subconscious mind, is like a large computer, (but way better) that is always working, always thinking. Why don't you take more advantage of it, and use daily affirmations, if you don't already do so? What do you want? What weaknesses do you want to be made stronger? Write them down as daily affirmations, and persevere, and never give up! Remember, to write your affirmations in the affirmations as if you already possessed, what you want. For whatever traits you already possess, I believe they can be made even better through the daily affirmations done the right way.The subconscious mind is more open to suggestions right after a person wakes up, and right before they go to sleep. Those are actually the best times to say the daily affirmations, because of that.

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