The Tortoise Website

The Tortoise Website
Click on image to go to Author website. "THE RACE IS NOT TO THE SWIFT." Eccl. 9:11

Sunday 4 March 2012

Why I Am a Christian by Michael Spencer

1.     It is reasonable that God might exist.

2.     Further, it is reasonable (based on the evidence) that this God who might exist might be personal and therefore have communicated with human beings.

3.     The world’s religions are a reasonable place to look for evidence of such communication.

4.     Among those representing the world religions, Jesus of Nazareth seems to hold the consensus as the person most likely to provide convincing evidence of the God who might exist. (Since Jesus is- in some way- incorporated into all major world religions. If all the world’s religious leaders were locked in a basement until they could elect only one person to represent the best of their beliefs, I believe Jesus would be the person selected.)

5.     The resurrection of Jesus is a reasonable explanation for the existence of Christianity as a distinct belief system from Judaism.

6.     An examination of the various alternatives and existing evidence convinces me that the Resurrection is, in fact, true.

7.     If the Rez is true, then Jesus’ statements about himself, God, Truth, Sin, etc. (The Christian worldview) are true by deduction.

8.     Based on this conclusion, I relate to the God who I now believe exists through Jesus.

9.     My experience matches what Jesus describes, providing personal verification of the truth of Christianity.

10. Based on Pascal’s wager, I await eventual verification of this conclusion after death, but haven’t lost anything if I am wrong.

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