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The Tortoise Website
Click on image to go to Author website. "THE RACE IS NOT TO THE SWIFT." Eccl. 9:11

Sunday 18 December 2011

Temporary things

Sunday 04 December 2011 continued

Jesus says: “...whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple.”

The Commentary says: “In contrast to the cares of the rich young ruler (18:22) Jesus does not say a disciple should sell all his possessions and give everything away. “
I have always wondered about this. If I was to sell all my possessions and give everything away then I would become one of the poor and an object requiring charity.
The Commentary continues: “His thought probably is that of a continual abandonment of things, yielding up the right of ownership or the desire to cling to things, rather than outright disposal of them. The disciple of Jesus may be given the use of things in trust, as a stewardship, but they are no longer his or her own.”
I am reminded of this Scripture: “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18)

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