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Saturday, 10 February 2018

4 Tips To Help Internet Marketing Companies Make Content Readable

By Arthur Williams

When you click on a website, it's fair to expect to find what you need without much difficulty. In situations where information is more difficult to uncover than it should be, chances are that unreadable content is the culprit. Fortunately, for those that struggle in this respect, there are a number of ways for the content in question to become more readable. Here are just 4 of the best methods that Internet marketing companies across the board can offer.

A piece of content's readability hinges on numerous factors, including the colors that are used. For example, you are likely to have a difficult time reading dark blue text against a black background. These two colors look too similar to be readable, which is why Internet marketing companies may recommend white text instead. This is just one solution, but it's clear that color matters. Simple adjustments may be suggested by reputable authorities like

Speaking of text, make sure that it's bold enough to be seen. You'll want to ensure that your copy is large enough, from a visual standpoint, so that anyone can read it regardless of the device that they're on. This is where responsive web design comes into play, but the fact remains that larger text is oftentimes better. If you'd like to create captions for your images, you'll want to scale them down but this is one of the very few exceptions to the rule.

The types of fonts used go a long way in terms of creating website content, too. When reading a blog post, chances are that you will be met with a relatively simple typeface like Arial or Times New Roman. The main reason for this is that these font styles are basic, which makes them far easier to read than a more stylistic font. While the latter can be used for branding, it doesn't serve a tremendous purpose in terms of making content more readable.

Finally, use white space with care. One of the biggest reasons why a particular blog post isn't shared enough, regardless of how well-written or informative it is, is due to a lack of space between lines and words. When it feels like a piece of content is cramped into a small box, it can come across as difficult to read. In order to improve such content's readability, make it a point to include white space whenever you can.

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