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Monday, 2 October 2017

Things To Know About The Burden Of Gratitude

By Michael Anderson

Most people everywhere are familiar with the importance of being grateful, and how it can have incredibly positive effects on a person's life. What a lot of people do not think about is how the act of gratefulness also comes with its own baggage in many different ways. The burden of gratitude can include things like guilt, pain, and other challenges that can plague people and make it difficult to truly enjoy and appreciate the things they have in their life.

Novels are not only entertaining, they can also be a great way of helping a person understand something complicated about life. It can be hard to understand just what gratefulness truly means and what it can demand of a person until it is seen through the eyes of a character. Some books also give readers a more omniscient point of view.

One great book that really shows how being grateful can sometimes be used against a person is written by the acclaimed author Jane Austen. The book is called Mansfield Park, and in it, the reader follows the character of Fanny, who has come into very good fortune. However, due to the divisive way that others around her compel her to be grateful for what she has been given, it is used against her in a negative way.

When a person is full of guilt because of how good he or she has it, that individual is less likely to actually give back and contribute to society. While these feelings of guilt are seated deep in the psyche and come from the knowledge that there are many people out there in the world who do not have it as good as that person, the guilt alone makes a person hide from that knowledge. It takes a positive mentality to want to be proactive about it.

Sometimes in many different types of social situations, a person can be asked for a favor and they will expect something in return. While sometimes this is an agreed-upon arrangement by friends or coworkers, there are times in life when a person is given a gift. Gifts, by definition, are free.

It is hard to imagine, but sometimes people can feel resentment when someone does something nice for them. This is because society has made people believe that something must always be exchanged for goods or services. This is unfortunate because some things are truly done out of kindness.

Being grateful is much easier when a person has recognized and accepted what is not in their power to change. While it is true that there are people starving in the world right now, a person's leftovers cannot help them until teleportation is figured out. For now, it is best to appreciate what you have.

There are some people who will do nice or generous things for a person and then expect that person to do something illegal or immoral in return. Sometimes that person will not know what to do and may be pressured into bad decisions. The best thing to do is refrain from contact with that person.

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