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Saturday, 2 January 2016

Things To Consider When Writing A Book

By Frances Russell

So you've decided to pursue being a writer, which is not by any means a breeze. Right now, you have a lot to take into consideration in terms of hurdles and helpful information when writing a book. The following points will help you get set up in the right direction as you embark on this journey.

One of the major factors that will help any writer, no matter what genre or style of writing, is practice. Dedicating a specific amount of time to do nothing but write will help exercise the muscle and therefore make the task not only easier, but more enjoyable. The more easily one can write, the more quickly ideas can be noted and expanded upon.

Brainstorm as much as you can when you begin, and even throughout the process. Note down your ideas as soon as you get them and come back to them after a little while to begin sorting through the good stuff from what cannot be used. When you can see things on paper in black and white, you'll be able to link thoughts and create scenes from what you may have previously thought was unrelated.

Writers should be very familiar with the subject matter they are writing on. Even if they haven't personally experienced what the story is about, they should still have researched the topic or ideas presented inside out. This makes it easier to write about, but also makes the end result more convincing and credible to the readers. This is an exercise that applies to all genres. Particularly when referring to history or presenting facts, confirming information and events is key. Locations, terminology pertaining to specific occupations or topics and other related information needs to be accurate.

Simplifying things as much as possible will help outline what the book needs. A beginning, middle and end are the bones of any story and this is how a writer should approach the project. The meat will come soon after as ideas begin to take shape, but focusing on having somewhere to start and a finish in mind will help with the initial launch.

You should designate a specific area to get your writing done. If you keep it apart from anywhere else that other activities go on, such as family areas, children's play areas or eating areas, then it will take on a significance of its own as the place for you to focus and work. Also keep the space clear of anything that could distract you.

You should write at around the same time every day and create a routine for your mind and your body. With this kind of practice, you will face deadlines with far more confidence and ease. Your writing time should be sacred, so turn off all alarms and phones and don't check emails or social media.

Looking at the project in smaller increments will help it to seem less overwhelming. Taking it one chapter at a time makes it a more manageable workload. Writers should set a word count for each chapter and make this a daily quota in order to make progress. Each chapter could even be a blog post so that writers can get early feedback on what they are producing as they go along.

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