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Thursday, 7 January 2016

How To Write A Book In A Few Steps

By David Gray

Writing a novel is something that is quite difficult to do but extremely fulfilling especially if one has a good story in mind. Now usually, the most difficult part for any writer would be starting the story because his flow is not yet there. So for those who are not experts in writing yet, here are some tips on how to write a book.

Now the first step after conceptualizing the idea would be to of course think of the flow of events. To start off, one first needs to determine the setting of his story which means that he has to know the time and place of his story. Aside from the setting, one also has to create a list of characters that he will be using throughout the tale which would include the hero, the villain, and the supporting characters.

Now after this has been finished, then the next step would be to create the outline of the events per chapter so that one will know what happens after what. Now the usual flow of events would be the introduction, the build up, the climax, a little twist, and of course the resolution of the hero. Now once one has already determined his flow of events based on this traditional one, then all he has to do would be to fill in the blanks as he tells the tale.

Now the first thing to write would be the introduction which is found usually in chapter one. Now in chapter one, the reader will be knowing more characters more especially the protagonist or the hero. The writer will also be writing about the time and place so that the readers can picture in their heads how things are going.

Now once the introduction stage has already been finished, then of course the next stage is the building up of this story which is where the antagonist or the villain would be introduced. Now along with the villain, there is a conflict of interest that would be introduced as well. It would be the job of this hero to try to resolve that conflict by fighting the villain.

As the story builds up momentum, it will reach the climax part wherein the hero is doing something to create the resolution. This is usually the most exciting part because it is the part where the hero would be battling the main antagonist in the story. This is the part that the build up would lead to.

Now in this stage, there would usually be a twist. For those who do not know what the twist is, the twist is an unexpected turn of events that happened to the hero. There are times that the twist would come before the climax but traditionally, it would come after.

The final part is the conclusion or the resolution part. In this stage, the hero has already resolved the conflict that he was trying to fix. Then it will be the choice.of the author to give the hero a happy ending or a bad one.

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