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Tuesday 5 November 2013

How To Become A Nurse Author

By Marsha Klein

As a nurse author you can get busy meeting the demand for your writing in a selection of niches. There is a growing need for writers both in fiction and nonfiction. Within fiction nurses can choose to write novels or they could write for scripts for the cinema and for television. Hospital dramas remain extremely popular.

Nursing professionals who believe they can contribute their insight and knowledge to readers and viewing audiences, should take a leap of faith and start penning something straight away. Some nurses feel nervous about the concept of becoming writers believing that perhaps they are not qualified or will not be able to pull it off properly. This could not be further from the truth.

To begin with, most nurses are more than qualified to take up writing for publication. In order to qualify as modern nurses requires a level of academic output which includes essay and dissertation writing. This feat alone, requires skills in planning and researching content and then presenting it in a coherent and engaging way. This is a fundamental necessity for any piece of writing, even works of fiction.

Nurses who feel their job is to care for people should not feel that writing detracts from that calling. While it is true that the hands on primary care received from the nurses in hospitals is a great value, nurses can also provide another form of care through offering valuable information. The general public look to the writings of qualified professionals for advice. Also, you could also contribute to the information bank aimed at new people studying in your field.

There are numerous topics that ordinary people are looking for information that can be provided by nurses. Pregnancy, childbirth and infant care is a big topic that is constantly being researched by new mothers. Other topics are also seeing a growth of interest such as elderly care. General wellbeing including diet, nutrition and exercise are also topics people look to nurses for guidance on.

In fact ever increasing amounts of people are regaining control of their own health concerns and delegating less and less to power to doctors in clinics and hospitals. Alternative medicine and natural health care are all subjects of great interest to the reading public and these are also areas that healthcare professionals are trusted to provide their expertise and insight.

New communication technology, as opened up even more avenues than ever for writers to get their work read. Blogging is a great vehicle for nursing professionals to educate people about their health or about the healthcare sector in general. Most blogging is done as a labor of love but there is money to be made from it if you know how to go about it properly.

Getting published by any of the big publishing houses is not always easy for the new nurse author but fortunately, self publishing has opened up some very useful opportunities. The advantage is that writers have complete independence of what they write and how they communicate with their readership. The biggest difficulty is that the writer has to be responsible for his own marketing.

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