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Monday 24 December 2012

Write More Professional Scenes Today

By Ron Wilson

The most ideal way to write a scene is to focus on what the character is doing and how things are getting to progress for them in the overall story. It is helpful to record a few notes before writing the scene to help you plan out what you will need to include.

Among the things to think about before heading into full prose is 'what will change after the scene has been written?' Each scene is a unit of change. Something must happen or change in the story as a result of the scene, otherwise it may not exist anyway.

The next thing you should consider is whether or not the scene is crucial to the overall story. If the scene is not essential in some way it should simply be omitted from the story. Writing needs to be concise to hold the reader's interest, so we don't want wasted words. The scene will need to serve a purpose in regards to delivering information, emotional impact, or character development.

Following this, we will need to decide where the scene should transpire, and which characters should appear. The more interesting and appropriate the backdrop is, the more impact it will give to the scene. And the characters who appear should only be the ones who serve a purpose in the scene. The fewer characters the better in most cases.

Next, you should incorporate a question into the scene. An intriguing question should be raised at the start of the scene which will grab the reader's interest, and this matter should not be answered until the very end of that scene. This generates pressure and suspense, and always keeps the reader turning the pages.

The last thing required before getting into the scene, is to put yourself into the mind's eye of the 'view point' character. Relax and close your eyes and picture you are in their world. See things from their point of view, and immerse yourself into their surroundings. When you accomplish this, you have a more in depth understanding of the details in the scene.

Once all these things are in place, you have a sound structure your scene, and you can confidently go full steam ahead with your writing.

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